Author Archive: raphy

U. Haifa Algebra seminar: Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Speaker: Alexei Piskunov (Technion). Title: “Motivic zeta-function for surfaces and Severi-Brauer varieties”.

Date:            Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 12:00 PM  Place:           Room 614, Science & Education Building, U. Haifa Speaker:    Alexei Piskunov   (Technion) Title: “Motivic zeta-function for surfaces and Severi-Brauer varieties” Abstract: Motivic zeta-function Z_X(t) of an algebraic variety X is…
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U. Haifa Algebra seminar: Thursday, Oct 27, 2022. Speaker: Sergey Khoroshkin (IITP Moscow). Title: “Wave functions of hyperbolic Sutherland model”.

There will be a Special Algebra seminar on Thursday, Oct 27, 2022 01:00 PM Jerusalem In-person, in room 614 of the Science & Education Building, University of Haifa, Speaker:    Sergey Khoroshkin (IITP Moscow)Title: Wave functions of hyperbolic Sutherland model. Abstract:======== Following…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, July 24, 2022. Speaker: Simona Paoli (Aberdeen). Title: “Weakly globular double categories and weak units”.

Time:         17:00 (Israel Time) Location:  Room 614 of the Science & Education Building, University of Haifa and on Zoom Recording link: Abstract: Segal-type models of weak 2-categories are simplicial models of bicategories, and they comprise the Tamsamani model and the…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, June 12, 2022. Speaker: Gil Bor (CIMAT, Mexico). Title: “Cusps of caustics by reflection in a convex billiard table”.

Time:         17:00 (Israel Time) Location:  In Room 614 of the Science & Education Building, University of Haifa and on Zoom Recording: Abstract. We place a light source inside a smooth convex billiard table (or mirror). The n-th caustic by…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, May 29, 2022. Speaker: Markus Upmeier (Aberdeen). Title: “Cobordism categories and Atiyah-Singer index theory”.

Time: 17:00 (Israel Time) Location: On Zoom Recording: Abstract.   I will discuss work in progress that categorifies the analytic index of Atiyah-Singer in terms of a new construction using representation theory of Clifford algebras. My main theorem shows that…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Speaker: Uzi Vishne (Bar-Ilan). Title: “Inclusion-exclusion, partial representations of semigroups, and nonassociative polynomials”.

You are also welcome to join us on Zoom at: Time: 14:00 Abstract: The dimension of the space of multilinear products of higher commutators is equal to the number of derangements, $[e^{-1}n!]$. Our search for a combinatorial explanation for this…
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