
U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2024. Speaker: Giuseppe Leoncini (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale). Title: “Universal homotopy theories in the enriched context’”.

I will put forward a possible generalization of Dugger’s theorem on universal homotopy theories, in enriched homotopy theory, following previous work of Dugger and Shipley for the case of enrichment over Abelian groups. I will discuss what can be done…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Tuesday, Apr. 9, 2024. Speaker: Kaif Hilman (Bonn). Title: “Equivariant Poincare duality for finite groups and fixed points methods”.

In this talk, I will introduce the notion of Poincar´e duality spaces in the equivariantsetting for finite groups and discuss an approach relating equivariant Poincar´e duality withPoincar´e duality on the fixed points. Time permitting, I will also indicate how one…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2024. Speaker: Surojit Ghosh (IIT Roorkee). Title: “Higher homotopy invariants of diagrams of chain complexes”.

While encoding the homotopy invariants in a model category, one approach (due to Heller and Grothendieck) is to determine certain higher invariants in the homotopy categories of all small diagram categories. In this talk, we provide an explicit approach to…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. Speaker: Damien Calaque (Montpellier). Title: “Shifted symplectic reduction”.

This talk will be on Zoom: I will start explaining that Hamiltonian reduction can be understood as a particular instance of Lagrangian intersections, within the framework of shifted symplectic geometry. One can see this first part of the talk as…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024. Speaker: Carles Casacuberta (Barcelona). Title: “Homotopy reflectivity is equivalent to the weak Vopenka principle”.

Homotopy localizations with respect to arbitrary (possibly proper) classes of maps are known to existin suitably structured model categories assuming the validity of Vopenka’s principle from set theory.Through recent progress in large cardinal theory, we prove that the existence of…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, Nov. 21, 2023. Speaker: Josefien Kuijper (Stockholm University). Title: “Compactly supported cohomology theories of varieties and six-functor formalisms”.

Time: 11:00 AM Recording: Abstract: In the first part of this talk I will discuss a result about the existence of compactly supported versions of cohomology theories of varieties. In the second part of the talk I will discuss a…
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U. Haifa Algebra seminar: Wednesday, December 28, 2022. Speaker: Leonid Makar-Limanov (Wayne State University). Title: “A conjecture on D algebras”.

Time: 11:00 AM, Place: Room 614, Science and Education Building, U.Haifa. Speaker: Leonid Makar-Limanov (Wayne State University), Title: A conjecture on D algebras Abstract: The goal of this talk is to introduce D algebras, formulate a conjecture about these algebras and prove this conjecture in several cases. — Join…
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U. Haifa Algebra seminar: Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Speaker: Evgeny Feigin. Title: “Veronese curves,  arc spaces and global Demazure modules”.

Date:            Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 12:00 PM  Place:           Room 614, Science & Education Building, U. Haifa Speaker: Evgeny Feigin, Title: Veronese curves,  arc spaces and global Demazure modules. Abstract:  Arc spaces are obtained from a given…
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