U. Haifa Algebra seminar: Wednesday, December 7, 2022. Speaker: Sergei Merkulov (University of Luxembourg). Title: “Gravity  and moduli spaces M_g,n”.

Date:            Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 12:00 PM 

Place:           Room 614, Science & Education Building, U. Haifa

Speaker:    Sergei Merkulov (University of Luxembourg)

Title: Gravity  and moduli spaces M_g,n

Using Thomas Willwacher’s twisting endofunctor, and Kevin Costello’s theory of partially compactified moduli spaces of algebraic curves of the arbitrary genus with marked points, we introduce a new dg properad which contains Ezra Getzler’s gravity operad controlling genus zero moduli spaces, and, surprisingly, the properad of V. Drinfeld’s quasi Lie bialgebras. We discuss its applications in the theory of moduli spaces M_g,n.


P.S. Here is a zoom link for those who want to attend by zoom and have no chance to come in person:

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Meeting ID: 868 1304 4737
