
The weekly colloquium features a talk by an invited speaker. Topics vary and include all areas of mathematics.

Unless otherwise noted, the colloquium takes place on Tuesdays, 14:00 in room 614, 6’th floor of the Science and Education Building. For further details, please contact the colloquium coordinator, Dr. Adam Dor-On.

Colloquium: Tuesday Jan. 28, 2025. Speaker: Liat Kessler (Oranim). Title: “From symplectic deformation to isotopy, equivariantly”.

Speaker: Liat Kessler (Oranim) Place: Room 614, Education and Sciences Building, University of Haifa Date and Time: January 28, 2025, 14:00-15:00 Title: From symplectic deformation to isotopy, equivariantly Abstract: We study symplectic blowups in four-manifolds in the presence of a group action. An (equivariant) symplectic…
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Colloquium: Tuesday Jan. 7, 2025. Speaker: Yair Hayut (Hebrew University). Title: “Dense Ideals”.

Place: Room 614, Education and Sciences Building, University of Haifa Date and Time: January 7, 2025, 14:00-15:00 Recording: Title: Dense Ideals Abstract: Around 1930 Banach and Ulam investigated the possibility of obtaining a sigma-additive probability measure extending the Lebesgue measure to all subsets of the…
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Colloquium: Tuesday Dec. 24, 2024. Speaker: Lior Bary-Soroker (Tel Aviv). Title: “Probabilistic Aspects of Galois Theory”.

Place: Room 614, Education and Sciences Building, University of Haifa Zoom link: Meeting ID: 872 8250 1214 Recording: Abstract: Probabilistic Galois theory explores the arithmetic properties of random polynomials with integer coefficients, focusing on questions such as irreducibility and the structure…
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Colloquium: Tuesday Nov. 19, 2024. Speaker: Yaniv Ganor (HIT). Title: “Poisson Bracket Invariants in Symplectic Geometry: Flexibility and Rigidity”.

Place: Room 614, Education and Sciences Building (Zoom screening), University of Haifa Date and Time: November 19, 2024, 14:00-15:00 Zoom recording Abstract: Symplectic geometry, a field originating in the study of classical mechanics, explores manifolds where real-valued functions induce flows, leading to…
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Colloquium: Tuesday June 18, 2024. Speaker: Tamar Ziegler (HUJI). Title: “Sign patterns of the Mobius function”.

Time: Tuesday, 18.06.24 at 14:00-15:00 Location: Room 614, Science and Education Building, University of Haifa. Zoom link: ID: 886 6595 1849Passcode: Contact Sefi Ladkani Abstract: The Mobius function is one of the most important arithmetic functions. There is a…
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Colloquium: Tuesday May 21, 2024. Speaker: Boris Kunyavskii (Bar-Ilan). Title: “What could be simpler than multiplication table? or: some new parallels between groups and Lie algebras”.

Time: Tuesday, 21.05.24 at 14:00-15:00 Location: Room 614, Science and Education Building, University of Haifa. Zoom link: ID: 886 6595 1849Passcode: (contact Sefi Ladkani) Abstract: I shall give a survey of some recent developments in the study of equations…
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