
The weekly colloquium features a talk by an invited speaker. Topics vary and include all areas of mathematics.

Unless otherwise noted, the colloquium takes place on Tuesdays, 14:00 in room 614, 6’th floor of the Science and Education Building. For further details, please contact the colloquium coordinator, Dr. Adam Dor-On.

Colloquium: Tuesday June 18, 2024. Speaker: Tamar Ziegler (HUJI). Title: “Sign patterns of the Mobius function”.

Time: Tuesday, 18.06.24 at 14:00-15:00 Location: Room 614, Science and Education Building, University of Haifa. Zoom link: ID: 886 6595 1849Passcode: Contact Sefi Ladkani Abstract: The Mobius function is one of the most important arithmetic functions. There is a…
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Colloquium: Tuesday May 21, 2024. Speaker: Boris Kunyavskii (Bar-Ilan). Title: “What could be simpler than multiplication table? or: some new parallels between groups and Lie algebras”.

Time: Tuesday, 21.05.24 at 14:00-15:00 Location: Room 614, Science and Education Building, University of Haifa. Zoom link: ID: 886 6595 1849Passcode: (contact Sefi Ladkani) Abstract: I shall give a survey of some recent developments in the study of equations…
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Colloquium: Tuesday Feb 13, 2024. Speaker: Nadav Dym (Technion). Title: “Approximation and Separation Results for Group Equivariant Machine Learning”.

In many machine learning tasks, the goal is to learn an unknown function which has some known group symmetries. Equivariant machine learning algorithms exploits this by devising architectures (=function spaces) which have these symmetries by construction. Examples include convolutional neural…
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Colloquium: Tuesday June 13, 2023. Speaker: Gideon Schechtman (Weizmann). Title: “The number of closed ideals in the algebra of bounded operators on Lebesgue spaces”.

Our next Math colloquium this term will be in person on Tuesday the 13th of June, in room 614, Science & Education building. A zoom link for our meetings is: Speaker : Gideon Schechtman (Weizmann) Date : Tuesday, 13th of June, 2023. Time : 14:00 Title: The number…
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