U. of Haifa Algebra seminar, January 7, 2021

Algebra Seminar

Speaker: Ammu Elizabeth Antony (Technion I.I.T. & U. of Haifa)

Topic: Schur’s Exponent Problem

Place: This is an online seminar. Please email Yuval Ginosar “ginosar at math dot haifa dot ac dot il” for the Zoom ID and password.

Date: Thursday, January 7, 2021

Time: 12:00

Abstract:  The Schur multiplier of a group G, is the second homology group of G with coefficients in the set of integers. The exponent problem by Schur states that the exponent of the Schur Multiplier of a group divides the exponent of the group. Although this has been proved false, it has been of great interest to see the validity of the same for many special classes of groups. In this talk, we will review the history and state our own contributions towards this problem. 
