Author Archive: raphy

Colloquium: Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Speaker: Dmitry Faifman (Tel Aviv). Title: “Intrinsic volumes and Weyl’s principle in valuation theory”.

Zoom link: Speaker: Dmitry Faifman (Tel Aviv University) Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Time: 14:00 Title: Intrinsic volumes and Weyl’s principle in valuation theory Abstract: First we will recall the fundamental notion of intrinsic volumes, known as quermassintegrals in…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, OCT 31, 2021. Speaker: Philippe Charron (Technion). “Pleijel’s theorem for Schrödinger operators”

Time: Sunday, Oct. 31st, 17:00Location: On Zoom and in Room 614 Haifa University Mathematics and Science BuildingSpeaker: Philippe Charron (Technion) Zoom recording: Title: Pleijel’s theorem for Schrödinger operatorsWe will discuss some recent results regarding the number of nodal domains…
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U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, OCT 24, 2021. Speaker: Yaniv Ganor (Technion). “Big Fiber Theorems and Ideal-Valued Measures in Symplectic Topology”

Time: Sunday Oct. 24th 17:00 Speaker: Yaniv Ganor (Technion) Title: Big Fiber Theorems and Ideal-Valued Measures in Symplectic Topology Location: On Zoom and in Room 614 Haifa University Mathematics and Science Building Zoom link: Abstract: In various areas of…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Speaker: Jonathan Mosheiff (Carnegie Mellon University). Title: “Derandomization of elementary error correcting code ensembles”.

Zoom link: An error correcting code is a subset C of F_q^n. We usually want C to be 1) large, 2) well-spread and 3) efficiently decodable. Elementary random constructions, such as taking C to be a uniformly random linear subspace…
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