Author Archive: raphy

Past talks

2013 Date Speaker Title 9/6 Simona Paoli (Leicester) Bicategories and weakly globular double categories 19/5 Hans-Joachim Baues (Max Planck) The algebra of higher cohomology operations 12/5 Tobias Hartnik (Technion) From Rogers’ dilogarithm to the continuous bounded cohomology of SL_2(R) 5/5…
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Past talks

2015 Date Speaker Title 20/1 Efrat Bank (Tel Aviv) Prime polynomial values of linear functions in short intervals 6/1 Shaul Zemel (Darmstadt) On Lattices over Valuation Rings of Arbitrary Rank 2014 Date Speaker Title 23/12 Lior Rosenzweig (Stockholm) Diophantine approximation…
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Past talks

2014 Date Speaker Title 10/6 Eli Appleboim (Technion) A geographical riddle 13/5 Eitan Lapidot (Haifa) Herbert and the Hungarian Mathematician 22/4 Eli Berger (Haifa) Is the sum of all natural numbers minus 1 over 12 ? 1/4 Raphael Yuster (Haifa)…
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Past Colloquium Talks

2015 Date Speaker Title 27/1 Anish Ghosh (Tata – Mumbai) Diophantine approximation and dynamical systems 20/1 Remi Coulon (CNRS) Periodic groups and there automorphisms 13/1 Ron Livne (Hebrew University) The Eratosthenes sieve – now and then 6/1 Amos Nevo (Technion)…
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