Author Archive: raphy

This Thursday at U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar on January 3, 2019 at 12:10

Geometry & Topology Seminar Speaker:  Boris Chorny (University of Haifa) Topic: Recognition of mapping algebras and representability theorems, up to homotopy Place:    room 614 in the Science & Education Building Time   12:10 Date:  Thursday, January 3, 2019                                                    Abstract: A mapping algebra is a space…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, January 1, 2019. Speaker: Karim Adiprasito (Hebrew University). Title: “From Hall’s marriage theorem to algebraic geometry (and back to combinatorics)”.

We discuss how something remarkably similar to Hall’s marriage theorem appears naturally in context of a conjecture of Grothendieck in algebraic geometry, and how this is useful to prove some long-standing problems in discrete geometry. For instance, I will prove…
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This Thursday at U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar on December 27, 2018 at 12:10

Geometry & Topology Seminar Speaker:  Vladimir Hinich (University of Haifa) Topic: So, what is a derived functor? Place:    room 614 in the Science & Education Building Time   12:10 Date:  Thursday, December 27, 2018                                                    Abstract: In the context of infinity categories, we rethink the notion…
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Thursday, Geometry and Topology Seminar, 20 Dec, Lior Yanovski . Title ” Higher semi-additivity and chromatic homotopy theory “

Geometry & Topology Seminar Speaker:  Lior Yanovski (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Topic: Higher semi-additivity and chromatic homotopy theory Place:    room 614 in the Science & Education Building Time   12:10 Date:  Monday, November 20, 2018                                                    Abstract: In ordinary algebra, characteristic zero behaves…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, December 18, 2018. Speaker: Michael Gekhtman (Notre Dame). Title: “Dilogarithm identities in cluster algebras from Hamiltonian/Lagrangian point of view”.

    Place: Room 614 in the Education & Sciences Building Time: 14:00 Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2018   Abstract:   We will discuss a Hamiltonian formalism for cluster mutations using canonical (Darboux) coordinates and piecewise-Hamiltonian flows with Euler dilogarithm playing the role…
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מועדון מתמטי : רפאל יוסטר “על צביעות של המישור ואקסיומת הבחירה” ביום שלישי, 11 בדצמבר, 2018 בשעה 12:10

ההרצאה הבאה של המועדון המתמטי לסמסטר זה תתקיים ביום שלישי, 11 בדצמבר בשעה 12:10 בחדר החוג למתמטיקה חדר 614  בקומה 6 של בניין לחינוך ומדעים פרופ’ רפאל יוסטר (החוג למתמטיקה, אוניברסיטת חיפה) ירצה על המודל המתמטי על צביעות של המישור ואקסיומת הבחירה נתבון בגרף שקבוצת…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, December 11, 2018. Speaker: Alon Nishry (Tel Aviv University). Title: “Value distribution of random power series”.

Department of Mathematics                                                           University of  Haifa   Colloquium   Speaker: Alon Nishry (Tel Aviv University)   Topic: Value distribution of random power series   Place: Room 614 in the Education & Sciences Building Time: 14:00 Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2018   Abstract:   Many…
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Monday, Geometry and Topology Seminar, 3 Dec, Chandrika Sadanand. Title ” You can hear the shape of a polygonal billiard table”

   Geometry & Topology Seminar Speaker:  Chandrika Sadanand (Technion) Topic: You can hear the shape of a polygonal billiard table Place:    room 614 in the Science & Education Building Time   12:10 Date:  Monday, December 3, 2018                                                    Abstract: Consider a polygon-shaped billiard table on which a ball can…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, December 4, 2018. Speaker: Eran Nevo (Hebrew University). Title: “Polytopes – from simplicial to non-simplicial”.

Department of Mathematics                                                           University of  Haifa   Colloquium   Speaker: Eran Nevo (Hebrew University)   Topic: Polytopes — from simplicial to non-simplicial   Place: Room 614 in the Education & Sciences Building Time: 14:00 Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2018   Abstract: A polytope is…
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