U. Haifa Algebra seminar: Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Speaker: Alexei Piskunov (Technion). Title: “Motivic zeta-function for surfaces and Severi-Brauer varieties”.
Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Place: Room 614, Science & Education Building, U. Haifa
Speaker: Alexei Piskunov (Technion)
Title: “Motivic zeta-function for surfaces and Severi-Brauer varieties”
Motivic zeta-function Z_X(t) of an algebraic variety X is a certain universal generalization of the Hasse-Weil zeta function,
Euler characteristics and other invariants of algebraic varieties.
I will briefly remind the definition and its basic properties, and then prove that
the rationality of the motivic zeta-function is a birational invariant for surfaces in characteristic zero.
I will also prove some theorems on motivic zeta-function of Severi-Brauer varieties
and compute it in the case of a Cartesian power of a smooth conic.