U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, May 15, 2022. Speaker: Victoriya Ozornova (Bonn). Title: “Complicial Sets”.
Time: 17:00 (Israel Time)
Location: On Zoom
The goal of this talk is to report on the progress in the program of comparing the model of $(\infty,n)$-categories given by complicial sets with the more established models, in particular with cellular models. This is partially work in progress with Martina Rovelli, as well as previous work joint with Julie Bergner and Martina Rovelli. No familiarity with the terms above is assumed: The plan for the talk is to explain them
Meeting ID: 849 8759 1026
Future speakers:
Andrew Salch (Wayne State) – May 22nd
Markus Upmeier (Aberdeen) – May 29th
Denis-Charles Cisinski (Regensburg) – June 5th.