U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, Mar. 27, 2022. Speaker: Oren Ben-Bassat (Haifa). Title: “Derived Analytic Geometry”.
Time: 17:15
Location: On Zoom and in Room 614 Haifa University Mathematics and Science Building
I will start by reviewing some work of others: sketching a (higher) categorical approach to geometry. After that, I will explain how using this approach (derived) analytic geometry can be viewed in a precise way as a type of algebraic geometry. I will explain and use in a fundamental way Banach rings and categories of Banach modules over a Banach ring. The theories of derived analytic geometry from this perspective include both archimedean and non-archimedean analytic theories. I will give examples of homotopy epimorphisms between algebras of analytic nature. I will include examples and relevance in the rigid analytic context and an arithmetic context. I will discuss descent theorems and time permitting, other topics such as blow-ups.
Future speakers:
Sanjeevi Krishnan (OSU) – April 3rd
Niles Johnson (OSU) – April 10th
Surojit Ghosh (IIT Roorkee) – April 24th
Dimitri Ara (Marseilles) – May 1st
Sourav Das (Haifa) – May 8th
Viktoriya Ozornova (Bonn) – May 15th
Andrew Salch (Wayne State) – May 22nd
Markus Upmeier (Aberdeen) – May 29th
Denis-Charles Cisinski (Regensburg) – June 5th.