U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, NOV 28, 2021. Speaker: Jereon Hekking (KTH). “Title: Graded algebras, projective spectra and blow-ups in derived algebraic geometry”
Time: Sunday November 28th 17:00 (Israel Time)
Location: On Zoom
Speaker: Jereon Hekking (KTH)
Title: Graded algebras, projective spectra and blow-ups in derived algebraic geometry
The goal of this talk is to define the derived blow-up of a closed immersion of derived schemes, and to mention a few key properties of this construction. After reviewing derived schemes, we will first introduce the infinity category of graded, simplicial rings as a free completion along sifted colimits, and explain how one takes the derived projective spectrum of such a gadget. We then introduce the derived extended Rees algebra via Weil restrictions, which is the key ingredient for derived blow-ups.
This is based on joint work with Adeel Khan and David Rydh
Meeting ID: 849 8759 1026