U. of Haifa Colloquium 25/5/21

Speaker: Kathryn Hess (EPFL, Switzerland)

Topic: Topological insights in neuroscience

Place: This is an online seminar. Please email Yuval Ginosar “ginosar at math dot haifa dot ac dot il” for the Zoom ID and password.

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Time: 14:00

Abstract: Over the past decade, and particularly over the past five years, research at the interface of topology and neuroscience has grown remarkably fast.   Topology has, for example, been successfully applied  to objective classification of neuron morphologies and to automatic detection of network dynamics, as well as to describing brain structure and function in a novel and effective manner.
In this talk I will survey the results my lab members and I have obtained when applying topological tools to a variety of problems in neuroscience, primarily in collaboration with the Blue Brain Project.  I will also sketch the purely mathematical research projects that have been inspired by our neuroscientific results, involving a somewhat unusual amalgam of algebraic topology and other sorts of mathematics. 
