Colloquium: Tuesday, June 14, 2 pm. Speaker: Asaf Nachmias (Tel Aviv). Title: “The connectivity of the uniform spanning forest on planar graphs”.
The free uniform spanning forest (FUSF) of an infinite connected graph G is obtained as the weak limit of uniformly chosen spanning trees of finite subgraphs of G. It is easy to see that the FUSF is supported on spanning…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, June 7, 2 pm. Speaker: Jonathan Aaronson (Tel Aviv). Title: “Distributional limits of positive, ergodic stationary processes & infinite ergodic transformations”.
In infinite ergodic theory, distributional limits replace the absolutely normalized pointwise ergodic theorem.We’ll review the subject and then see that every random variable on the positive reals occurs as the distributional limit of some infinite ergodic transformation. We’ll consider consequences…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, May 31, 2 pm. Speaker: Dmitry Gourevitch (Weizmann). Title: “D-modules and equivariant distributions – old and new”.
I will first recall the notions of Schwartz functions and tempered distributions – on the line and then on general real affine algebraic manifolds. Then I will pose a problem on the existence of distributions that are semi-invariant under a…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, May 24, 2 pm. Speaker: Simeon Reich (Technion). Title: “Problems and Results in Nonlinear Analysis — An Update”.
We intend to present an update regarding several open problems in Nonlinear Analysis, which have been of recent research interest. These problems concern, for instance, the generic method, infinite products of operators, as well as the asymptotic properties of holomorphic…
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Colloquium: Tuesday, May 17, 2 pm. Speaker: Gidi Amir (Bar Ilan). Title: “Liouville groups with very slowly growing harmonic functions”.
A group G has the Liouville property with respect to some generating set S if the only bounded harmonic functions on the Cayley graph of (G,S) are the constant functions. On such Cayley graphs it is interesting to ask how slowly can…
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The 22nd Amitsur Memorial Symposium will be held at the University of Haifa on June 20-21.
The 22nd Amitsur Memorial Symposium will be held at the University of Haifa on June 20-21. See here Speakers: Giambruno (Palermo) Ginosar (Haifa) Kemper (Munich) Kunyavski (Bar Ilan) Neftin (Technion) Procesi (Rome) Regev (Weizmann) Sayag (Ben Gurion) Weigel (Milan) Westreich…
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ראיון רדיו עם פרופ’ קובי פתר מהחוג למתמטיקה בתוכנית “בעקבות הזהב הדיגיטלי”
בראיון, קובי מדבר על חווית המתמטיקה, על מתמטיקאים הוראת המתמטיקה וכו’ קישור לראיון
Colloquium: Tuesday, May 10, 2 pm. Speaker: Victor Olevskii (Moscow). Title: “Completeness and localization”.
A complete system of functions in $L_2({\mathbb R})$, can it be “localized” around a sparse set?
Colloquium: Tuesday, May 3, 2 pm. Speaker: Frol Zapolsky (Haifa). Title: “Poisson bracket – rigidity and flexibility”.
I will give an overview of recent results regarding the behavior of the Poisson bracket under perturbations of the functions relative to different topologies. It turns out that it exhibits both rigidity and flexibility. For instance, if the Poisson bracket…
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