Colloquium: Tuesday May 7, 2024. Speaker: Eli Shamovich (Ben-Gurion). Title: “The free skew field in noncommutative analysis”.

The free skew field as a version of noncommutative localization of the free algebra was constructed by Amitsur and Cohn. We will call the elements of the free skew field noncommutative (nc for short) rational functions. Recently, nc rational functions found new applications in operator algebras, control theory, and free algebraic geometry. In this talk, I will describe the basics of nc rational function theory and the interplay of this algebraic theory with nc measure theory and representation of C^*-algebras.

This talk is based on joint work with Mike Jury and Rob Martin.

Time: Tuesday, 07.05.24 at 14:00-15:00

Location: Room 614, Science and Education Building, University of Haifa.Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 886 6595 1849

