U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, Apr. 24, 2022. Speaker: Surojit Ghosh (IIT Roorkee). Title: “Slice Filtration of E”.
Time: 17:00 (Israel Time)
Location: On Zoom
The slice filtration is an equivariant analogue of the Postnikov tower and it is modeled on Voevodsky’s motivic filtration. I will begin by recalling the definition of slice filtration along with some of its properties. Then we discuss some computational methods to determine the slice tower of RO(G)-graded suspensions of Eilenberg Mac Lane spectrum associated with certain Mackey functor.
Meeting ID: 849 8759 1026
Future speakers:
Dimitri Ara (Marseilles) – May 1st
Sourav Das (Haifa) – May 8th
Viktoriya Ozornova (Bonn) – May 15th
Andrew Salch (Wayne State) – May 22nd
Markus Upmeier (Aberdeen) – May 29th
Denis-Charles Cisinski (Regensburg) – June 5th.